Timothy Judge
- Auteur
Timothy A. Judge is verbonden aan de University of Florida. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op persoonlijkheid, stemmingen en emoties.
Timothy A. Judge is verbonden aan de University of Florida. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op persoonlijkheid, stemmingen en emoties.
Boeken van Timothy Judge
Stephen Robbins
Timothy Judge
Gedrag in organisaties, met MyLab NL toegangscode
'Gedrag in organisaties' biedt een complete maar compacte inleiding in de studie van gedrag van mensen in organisaties.
Stephen Robbins
Timothy Judge
Timothy Campbell
Organizational Behaviour
This second European edition of this classic textbook brings the exceptional introduction to organizational behaviour written by the masters of the subject.
Stephen Robbins
Timothy Judge
Organizational Behavior, Updated Global Edition
Reflecting the most recent research and events within the field of OB, the 19th Edition continues its hallmark focus on clear writing, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy.
Stephen Robbins
Timothy Judge
Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Global Edition
'Essentials of Organizational Behavior' teaches students how to communicate and interact within organizations, through real-world scenarios.