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Pacelle van Goethem is veelgevraagd coach en spreker op het gebied van stem, invloed en overtuigen. Zij is spraak- taal- en stempatholoog, specialiseerde zich verder in Psychologie en Massacommunicatie. Pacelle deed onderzoek naar stem, invloed en overtuigen aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en het Medisch Academisch Centrum Groningen.
Meer over Pacelle van GoethemBeing charismatic and influential – The definitive guide
Finally, just when we all thought that persuasion and charisma are only for those blessed with some magical gene or are simply a matter of pushing the right buttons, along comes a book that provides a jaw-dropping explanation of how persuasion and influence actually work.
This logical how-to guide unites the best insights, based on exhaustive research into (neuro)persuasion. The revolutionary model and the compelling method are all you need to make you and your ideas irresistible. Used and recommended by people we admire.
The standard on persuasion and a bestseller since it was first published. This new international edition of True Persuasion® includes new insights and useful tips, all tried and tested, and extremely effective.
Find out the neuroscience behind persuasion, the keys to real influence and the best tactics of highly persuasive people.